Barcelona, Spain

Santi Sallés

Santi Sallés, born 1964 in Barcelona, is an illustrator, graphic and creative designer trained at ELISAVA, with more than 20 years of experience working for different agencies and advertising companies. He has published about 10 books where drawing and illustration are the main medium. Santi is part of Urban Sketchers Barcelona and Catalonia. He participated in different travelogue festivals such as Matitte in Viaggio in Italy and Rendevouz du Carnet de Voyage in France. Since 2014 he has regularly given workshops, drawing demos and attended conferences all over the world.

Website | Instagram
Workshop Language: English

Energy lines of graphite and color

The objective of this workshop is to draw in a fresh way and with expression. Lose your fear, scratch, deform and enjoy handling pencils. We will do exercises and practice first with 1 and 2 colored pencils and with watercolor stains and then with colored pencils on top. At the end we will make a complex drawing with what we have learned in the previous exercises.

  • Graphite Pencil (Pitt oil Base pencil Medium by Faber Castell)
  • Colored Pencils (I recommended Polychromos by Faber Castell or similar)
  • Watercolours
  • Waterbrush or normal watercolour brushes
  • Sketchbook that you normally use (minimum weight 200 g, minimum size Din A5)
  • Travel seat
  • Tools you normally use